Thank you for what you give

If you would like to send a donation by mail, print this form. Fill it out and send it to us at 7900 Capital Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112 with your donation and we will mail/email a tax-deductible receipt back to you.

Click the button above to reach our Capital Bible Church PayPal account. With this method, you can donate by credit/debit card, with an e-check, or a PayPal account. (a PayPal account is not required for giving)

You can setup automatic weekly/monthly payments to Capital Bible Church through your bank account. This can be done via direct transfer or mailed checks. Reach out to your bank to find out how.

Automatic Bank Payments

Want to remember us in your will?

Remembering us in your will is a wonderful way for you to make a lasting gift to Capital Bible Church. It is an easy and flexible way for you to support CBC.