New to Capital Bible Church?

We’ve got you covered. This page will go over all the FAQs (frequently asked questions) about Capital Bible, our beliefs, church, services, and how you fit into it all.


First off, welcome to the CBC family. Here at Capital Bible, we are committed to being a friendly place where you can see the love of Jesus in action. Our sole purpose is to help you grow in your spiritual walk with Jesus, and help to make some lifelong friends along the way.


Capital Bible Church is a non-denominational church believing the Bible to be the inerrant and infallible written Word of God. Jesus is the center and focal point of our mission, vision, belief, and everyday operations. All we do is designed to point people to Jesus.


During every worship service, you’ll experience worship that blends contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns, all designed to bring you closer to God through music. Our sermons are fully Bible-based and preached with the glory of God and Jesus Christ as the focal point.


Capital Bible Church holds membership classes throughout the year taught by our pastor. During this class, you will be provided with the details of CBC’s history, beliefs, doctrines, and goals. We will also go over what becoming a member entails and why membership is Biblical and important.


Here at Capital Bible Church, we want you to come as you are. We want you to be comfortable, whether that is jeans or sneakers or suits or dresses. You will find a large variety of attire within our congregation, and hopefully that makes you feel comfortable and welcome.


At our Children’s Church/nursery, we want to engage kids in the Bible and its stories in an exciting, loving and influential manner. Our volunteers are committed to providing a safe and caring environment where children can have fun as they learn. Available during regular Sunday service.


Capital Bible Church has two library locations. One is located across from the primary bathrooms location and is for study purposes. The other is located through the doors on the front left of the sanctuary and contains weekly restocked faith-based books that are free to you to take home with you.


Free coffee and breakfast snacks are available at the back of the sanctuary every Sunday morning. Feel free to partake as you greet your brothers and sisters in Christ prior to the regular Sunday service. All we ask is to not dump coffee into the trash can that is used for dry garbage.

Help us to connect with you through our
CBC Connection Card

CBC and You

Our Connection Card makes it possible for us to develop a closer relationship with you and allow us to better help you in your walk with Him. We can help answer any questions or inquiries you may have through the form, as well.

Interested in a Capital Bible Online Account?

Call us, send us an email, or put a comment on the CBC connection card and we can get a Church Access Account set up for you – provided you attend (in person or online) Capital Bible Church.