7900 Capital Drive, Harrisburg, Pa 17112
(717) 545-1132
Check out our new Video Shorts under Media!!!
Sunday Services are at 10:30 am Onsite and Online @ https://www.facebook.com/capitalbible or https://YouTube.com/CapitalBible
Adult Bible Class - 9:20 am, Room 114
Children's Church - now offered during 10:30 service.
Senior Bible Study - Thursday afternoons at 1pm in the Conference Room
Wed. Pastor's Bible Study/Prayer Meeting - Wednesday nights at 6:30 - 7:45pm. Prophecy study- "God's Promise to Abraham, aka the Abrahamic Covenant" - Genesis 12 & 15
AWANA -Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm! Kids 3 years old through 6th grade.
Trek -Teens 7th -12th grade - Youth Group, Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm!
Do you have a Guaranteed Reservation to Heaven?
How? Watch this https://youtu.be/TmPOVEHkM5A
Get notified when new videos are uploaded by "Liking" and "Following" our Facebook page (you must be logged onto Facebook to be able to do this). You can also "Subscribe" (free, of course) to our YouTube channel - CapitalBible
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